Email Setup
EmailData.DAT - Installs on M:\. ONLY DOWNLOAD THIS ONCE for the entire network. If you download it a second time, you will wipe out your settings previously entered for email server etc.
vbSendMail.dll - Installs on M:\. MUST download once for the entire network.
mswinsck.ocx - Installs on M:\. Download this if you get a mswinsck error on sending email.
If there is a program for you to download it will appear in blue in the area above DIRECTIONS FOR DOWNLOADING.
EVERYONE MUST BE OUT OF MY PROGRAM BEFORE you start this procedure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is going to happen is that you will run a program from our website that will automatically extract a Zip file to the correct place on your hard drive. Please read the instructions, and if they don't make sense, please give me a call and I will try to explain them.
In general, to use the file transfer, single (left) click on the blue or magenta line for your store. If you are prompted for Open Save Cancel etc. (usually in XP) click on Open. If your are prompted with an option box that lists either Run this program from it's Current Location or Save Program to Disk - Select the Run this program from its current location option button. When the file finishes downloading, a program box will appear in the middle of your screen.
If you get a Box saying Security Warning - Do you want to install and run etc. Click on Yes
At this point, Click on UnZip button in the WinZip Self Extractor Box.
Click on OK button of the 1 file(s) unzipped box. (Seeing this means it worked.)
Click on Close button of the WinZip Self Extractor Box.
These instructions will work for the vast majority of our users. Those of you on Novell, or are dealing with other special circumstances, or are simply confused by all of this strange stuff, will have to call David at (478-825-7095).