This manual contains MOST of the information we think you need to operate
the Windows version of Furniture Pro from PLH Inc. If you need assistance at any
time please call (478) 825-7095.
Throughout this manual these keys will be referred to
ENTER – The big key on the right side of the keyboard labled Enter, Return, and/or has an arrow on it. It tells the computer to process whatever you have just typed on the keyboard. As a general rule, the computer will just sit there until the ENTER key is pressed or the mouse is clicked.
LOCK – All typing needs to be done in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you do
not get capital letters when you type a key, press the CAPS LOCK button on the
keyboard. Usually there is a light on the CAPS LOCK key or a special CAPS LOCK
light somewhere on or around the keyboard. YOU WANT THIS LIT when using
Furniture Pro for Windows.
NUM LOCK - This is an it depends. MOST of the time you will probably want the NumLock Light lit - press the Num Lock Key. The Key and Light refer to the keypad on the right side of the keyboard. If you do NOT get numbers when using the keypad, press the Num Lock key. This should light the Num Lock light and you should now get numbers.
BACK SLASH - \ If ever there was a key that will give us trouble this is it. When you need it you need it badly - but it is hard to find. Manufacturers put it in different places on their keyboards. All I can say for sure is that it is the slash that is NOT under the question mark. - Good Luck if we tell you to find it.
MM means Main Menu - sometimes we get lazy and do not spell it out.
Mea Culpa - The program is constantly being updated and new features added etc. Forgive us please if your system's screens do not match exactly with what you see here. It should be close (we hope). Also - make sure you have updated to the latest version number you see on the downloads page for your company. ALSO - bug the support staff if you are missing something you need and they have not posted an update for your company lately.