Dump for Sale - Ascii Fields
This file consists of comma delimited ascii fields.
The HEADER RECORD - the first line of the file - has the names of the fields also.
One Record in the file consists of the fields as follows: (separated by commas):
Acnt. #
Last Name
First Name
Date Last Pay Made
Date Next Pay Due
Amount of Mon. Pay.
Term in Months
Mon. Left
Original Amount of the Sale
Current Balalance
Current Amount Due
30 day amount due
60 day amount due
90 day amount due
Over 90 days amount due
Late Chg due
APR or current sale
Purchase Date
Date 1st Payment came due
Maturity Date of note
Down Payment amount
Finance Charge amount
Insurance amount
Net Original amount loaned
Payout Balance
This creates a file (usually on your M: Drive) named cusfiledump.dat
It will probably be a good idea to print this page for future reference.