Automatically Assigning Account Numbers


Manual TOC

Please Be Careful with this. 

PLEASE do not give it to much credit for intelligence. ALL IT DOES is keep track of a number, add one to it, and show it to you on the screen. IT DOES NOT CHECK to see if this account number exists. IT ONLY looks up the last number, adds one to it, saves this as the new number, and shows it to you on the screen.

To set the starting number:
Main Menu | Utilities | Change System Spec | Right Column a little over half way down - a box labeled last account number.
Whatever NUMBER you put into this box, the computer will add 1 to it and show this as the next account number to assign.

To use it (3 places so far)
1. On the Sales Menu, there is a button you can click and it will simply display the next number.
2. On Post Hand Sales there is a button you can click and it will put the next account number into the account number field.
3. On Post Slot Sales, when it asks for an account number, if you put the letter A as the account number (A for assign), it will, on the next screen, put the next account number into the correct field.

Manual TOC