Account Lookup

Manual TOC

You can look for an account any one of 4 ways. If you know the account number go ahead and use A. If not, click on one of the other buttons and you will go into a search mode. When you see the account you want, click on that row and the account will appear.

For example - Lookup By Last Name


Start Typing in the last name and the screen should start to populate as below.

REALLY IMPORTANT INFO - by DEFAULT the computer does NOT show Zero Balance Accounts. Click on the Show $0.00 Bal. button (lower left) to see all accounts.


The more letters you type, the narrower the search on the screen becomes. When you find the name you want - click on that row and bingo, the account is on the screen as below.


Now you can interact with it using the buttons etc.

The one you REALLY need to know about is View Options. When you click it the payments go away and the following screen appears.

The Hide Options button gets the payments back for you. 


This will get you to the Options Buttons Explanation page.



Manual TOC